Monday, December 9, 2019

Kingmaker 0.2 The foundations build

Also known as the build in which everyone gets pissy about taxes.

Change log

New content
15 court events
Tax manager in reforms tab
Introduction of The Maid character if you study administration on the morning of week 1
Introduction of The Rose Knight on week 10
Introduction of The Mouse and The Rat Lord on week 12
Introduction of The Lord's Wife, The Trickster, and Lord Stache on week 14
Introduction of The Steel Maiden on week 16
Added advice about the game in Rodrick's court screen
Added Rodrick's comments about game events, and one for the Stache Lord
New graphics for the GUI


Taxes are now tied with support, since I guess now it also represents how good they're doing or how little they're stealing.
Minor corrections and rewriting on the text of events
Minor visual changes for the protagonist

Bug fixes

Fixed bug that kept the player from saving past a certain point



MEGA  - LETSUPLOAD - UP2SHARE - ANONFILE - MEGA-AD.FLY (Some shillings my way)

I admit with heavy heart that there's no lewd content on this one, but I needed to add characters first for that... But hey, at least this build is slightly more presentable.

The quest for patrons

It feels really weird to be doing this, but as I get ready to publish the second build of this game (I was going to do it today but I found out I have an essay due Wednesday hahaha) and I reach the breaking point that will decided how much time I can invest in this, I've come to the decision of opening a patreon (and beg for money!).

I know I still have to prove myself, but I  have two reasons for this, and I hope you lend me your time to read them.

The first reason is that I genuinely been having the time of my life doing this little project of mine. I'm honestly surprised, and pleasantly so, at how much fun I've been having. Mostly because the only thing that I've done this passionately and nonstop is when I play games, or the few times I decide to read or watch a show hahaha. But that is a problem in itself, since I've been neglecting other responsibilities because of it (just like when I find a good game haha). The truth is that I go to a community college (haha I know), and I need a part time job to pay for that, among other things. But if possible, I would much rather do this than my part time job.

The second reason is that I want to increase the quality of the project. Either by buying some royalty free music, or getting someone to either fix the chicken scratch I call art, or to edit my dumb mistakes to say a few things. But in good conscience I can't try to get someone with just promises. That is why I also want to see if I can find some kind souls to support the project.

If anyone that reads this is kind enough to pitch in with a dollar a month it really would mean the world to me. And don't think about the game right now, think about what it could be with your help!

Here is a link to the patreon 

(Edited because no more patreon)

I've also been looking at alternatives to patreon since they have weird policies that I know affect adult games and I don't want them breathing down my neck.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Visual changes for the GUI

I decided to make the GUI less sucky, hurrah!

I still see these changes as placeholders however, but at least they're stylized placeholders.

I'm still not sure about the font I got for the names though. I probably will take it out since I haven't found one that satisfies me completely.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Designs for new characters

Given the miracle that some people are still checking the blog, and that I finished the art for characters I wanted to add in 0.2. I decided to show them and maybe fish for some criticism/pointers.

This one will be for all the christian boys that like to break number ten.

I wanted to make a mix of Joan of Arc and Snow White with this one. I have a different version in which I leaned more into the snow white half, but I didn't think that one sold the woman warrior that well.  

I actually finished this one weeks ago, I just decided to not add it when I posted the game.

My intention was to draw a "nerdy" character, and let me tell you, it's really difficult to draw a nerd without glasses.

I'm not sure about this one. It's kinda hard to draw a more petite body.

I messed around a bit with the proportions of the face.

There's some guys too but none of us are here for them.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Kingmaker 0.1

Being the first build I'm not sure what to say, if I need to say anything at all to be honest. Either way hopefully you'll enjoy it even if just slightly. Also any criticism/idea you have for the game is more than welcomed.

MEGA  - LETSUPLOAD - UP2SHARE - ANONFILE - MEGA-AD.FLY (If you want to help a brother out).


For more information about the game check the post before this one.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

About Kingmaker

I feel like I should start this by explaining that I wouldn't describe myself as neither a writer, nor an artist, nor a coder. All of those I can only do at a rudimentary level at best. And also that this more than a game serves as a proof of concept. But even with that in mind this is something that I always dreamed of playing, so I had the urge to at least try to make it.

This idea was born because I like the princess trainer type of gameplay, however I never found a "prince trainer" to play as a guy  (If you know one let me know). And also, as a grand strategy fan I always dreamed of one with some form of kingdom administration. This is the idea that I was looking to emulate in Kingmaker. The TL;DR however is that this is a mix between Long Live the Queen and Reigns. Both games that I enjoyed greatly but that in my mind needed what the other had.

With that out of the way let me, you know, actually explain what the game is about, and hopefully the vision for an hypothetical future.

You will be a young prince that is not only in the middle of a crisis, but whose road to the throne is less than certain. The kingdom is ravaged by war, schemes, debt, and death among other things.

 You will play the first day of each week, which is meant to set the example of what your character does the rest of that week. I found this made more sense than a day to day game for the logic of how fast skills increase, how quickly relationships develop, and the time between game events, etc.

That first day will then be divided in four stages. Morning, Noon, Evening and Night.

During the morning you will hold court. That is the time when subjects of the kingdom will bring you petitions for you to give your judgement.

Your choices will affect how the kingdom sees you as a ruler. With this in mind it will be near impossible to please all the factions, and they might rebel or scheme if their support reaches zero. Having a good relationship with them on the other hand might unlock different things that are more pleasant.

 Your skill level might also unlock different solutions for the problems brought to the court. These options are usually better.

After holding court, the noon and evening times you will spend them in the map menu. There you can decide which skills you will develop during the week.

Map tab:

 First of all I apologize for the GUI. A lot of the art is meant as a placeholder, and designing is not one of those things I can do even at a rudimentary level haha. (Like the hand below example 1. What was I even thinking?)

 1. The training icons: Hopefully I did a decent enough job with these and you can understand what they mean. But if I didn't...

2. Tooltip: This will tell you which skills they increase when you hover over them. (There's also the color scheme. All dark blue are diplomacy skills, all red are martial and so on).

3. Court: This menu will show you the people present at your court. You will be able to interact with them this way, which will not spend your time (Although when you get potential lovers some options might make it clear that it will.)

4.Basic info: This will simply tell you the time, the gold you currently have and the week you are in.

5.Upper menu: This will take you to the other menus in the game.

 Skill tab:

The skills are all divided into categories, and I plan to use all of them in one way or another. Although not all of them are final. Languages although cool is too specific, and production I have no idea what to do with it for example. Because of that I sometimes wonder if I overdid it with the number of skills. Clearly some are more useful than others, but I think I would have rather eat my right hand than making a category with less than three skills.

Another way these skills are used are during game events. If a specific skill is high enough it might open paths to additional information or a different solution (for better or worse) to solve a situation.

If your skill is not enough the game will tell you that much, but it will not tell you which skill you failed. I thought this would make it more interesting.

Support tab:

The third screen shows you how the kingdom sees you. On the left you find your personal reputation. How famous and what kind of ruler you are. These two are meant to affect how characters see you, and if high enough even use them to solve problems.

On the right you find your reputation among the different factions of the kingdom. These are important because right now the only way to lose the game is to lose the trust of a faction completely, or bankrupt the kingdom.

Reforms tab:

The reform tab sadly doesn't do anything yet. The reason for this is mostly because it's a lot of busy work that I was too lazy to do without feedback HA. Also it's not important for the early parts of the game anyway.

The purpose for it however is to alter things like taxes, kingdom-wide reforms,  infrastructure upgrades, law changes and stuff like that. All of these will give you passive bonuses to your fame, standing with the factions, and also your gold of course.

Treasury tab:

I feel this is pretty straightforward. What I don't think is clear enough is how variables affect this. Your sources of income come in different ways from each of the factions, and depending of how high their support is you will get a bonus in gold. The expenses can as well be affected by your level of Administration or Logistics (And probably hypothetical upgrades in the future).

Every four weeks you will receive the amount of gold from your income sources minus your expenses and debt payments.

S scenes

However I might buy commissioned art from a better artist if people are interested. Might is the code word though, I'm not swimming in money.

With that I finish my Ted Talk. Any criticism of the game, or ideas for it will be greatly appreciated.